ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are extremely common childhood behaviour disorders. Long since mistakenly viewed as just “acting out”, ADD/ADHD is now clinically accepted as a legitimate neurological disease. It is a serious illness that can negatively affect virtually all areas of life, including relationships, education and an individual’s career.

The problem may be related to a variety of hidden issues, including vaccination disturbances, food intolerances and allergies, leaky gut syndrome, breathing problems, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity and emotional issues.

Treating ADD/ADHD

Conventional medicine and treatment has typically involved the use of stimulants. Though it may seem strange to “simulate” an individual with symptoms of ADD/ADHD, these stimulants (when taken correctly and as directed) can ultimately reduce hyperactivity. Unfortunately, dependency on these drugs is possible, and side effects can be harsh. Such side effects include loss of appetite, twitching, and sleep disorders.

At The Centre For Integrated Health, our experience suggests that the problem may be related to a variety of hidden issues, including vaccination disturbances, food intolerances and allergies, leaky gut syndrome, breathing problems, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity and emotional issues. Our successful treatments, which begin with screening, often involve nutritional changes, vitamin and mineral re-balancing, and homeopathic remedies.

Case Study

“G”, a nine year-old diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, was considered by his parents to be “out of control.” “G”’s challenges began around age three. He was unusually aggressive, he refused to participate with friends and at school, he refused to go to bed, he had bowel problems, and he suffered from eczema (a potentially serious skin disorder).

We began our treatment with an Asyra scan. This clearly identified gluten sensitivity and some nutritional deficiencies. We developed a programme to ensure that Gareth avoided gluten, and supplemented his nutritional deficiencies

As a result of the treatment, “G” improved to the point where he was sleeping soundly, the whole night through; And his school reported a greatly improved demeanor and calmness, noting that he was more thoughtful and integrating better with his peers.

Learn More

After years of being misunderstood and often ignored, ADD/ADHD is now seen as a serious – and very real – health disorder. In light of this, we invite you to consult with us to discuss your ADD/ADHD, or that of a family member/child.

There follows a list of products that clients have enjoyed success with. For personalised advice, please email or call 01730 233 414.

NutriVital Acidophilus Complex

NutriVital Acidophilus Complex

Package contents: 60 caps

  • Contains 8 billion live bacteria per capsule
  • Addition of FOS to promote growth and maintenance of beneficial bacteria
  • Aids synthesis of some B vitamins and absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium
  • Promotes health and integrity of intestinal wall
  • Supports healthy immune function

Acidophilus is renowned to be of use for the balance of good and bad bacteria in the bowel. It can be used to return the intestinal flora to normal, healthy levels (natural flora levels may be affected by fungus or antibiotics). Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum form part of the body’s normal micro-flora and encourage a

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