Also known as Post Viral Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Glandular fever, ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) is a debilitating condition that is characterized by excessive, long-lasting fatigue.

Treating ME

Conventional medicine is unsure of what causes ME; as such, treatments are elusive and typically focus on symptoms.

At The Centre For Integrated Health, we deal with many patients who suffer from ME. We find it tends to target high achievers, those with high toxicity levels, and those with poor lymphatic systems.
Most ME sufferers are sub-clinically hypothyroid (under active thyroid), have low levels of HCL (stomach acid) and pancreatic enzymes, and consequently, low levels of vitamins. Candida and parasites can also be present.
There has usually been a trigger point such as fever, food poisoning or trauma. Left untreated the symptoms can last for years. The earlier the symptoms are treated, the better the results.

We use screening technology to check for the root cause of the ME condition. For example, the case may stem from a food poison or a viral/bacterial infection that has not cleared. We also focus on the metabolism and any nutritional deficiencies.

Case Study

Mrs. “K” had an extreme case of ME. For 20 years, she had been severely under weight, suffered from constant dizziness, and had not menstruated. She had been prescribed medicines for the symptoms she had been experiencing, but not only did they have no positive effect on the symptoms, but they caused some other symptoms.

Having come to The Centre For Integrated Health, Mrs. “K” received a full scan from one of our practitioners. A number of issues were highlighted; including the indication that she was hypersensative to some of the medical treatments that she had been receiving.

An holistic and comprehensive course of treatment was devised for Mrs. “K”, including supplementation, herbal remedies, homeopathy, and EFT sessions. By the time she came for a follow-up appointment, her condition was still severe. Some of the remedies she had been prescribed were tweaked; and our practitioner decided that the treatments would be complimented by sending Mrs. “K” to a service offered by outside practitioner. She was sent to be Zero Balanced.

As a result of these steps and this holistic course of treatment, Mrs. “K” was soon able to come off her anti-depressants. Her menstruation started again, her dizziness disappeared, she gained weight appropriately; and she was shocked at the levels of energy she was experiencing.

Learn More

ME is a serious problem that can be left ignored for years because conventional medicine simply can’t grasp the root causes. However, we’ve experienced positive results with many former ME-sufferers. Contact us for a discussion of your current symptoms, and to learn more about the treatment methods available to you.

There follows a list of products that clients have enjoyed success with. For personalised advice, please email or call 01730 233 414.

NutriVital B Complex

NutriVital B Complex

Package contents: 60 caps

  • Supports optimum release of energy from food
  • Supports the heart, muscles, and nervous system
  • Needed for fatty acid metabolism and fluid balance
  • Combatting modern stressful lifestyles and blood sugar balance
  • Healthy skin, hair, and nails

The B group vitamins work synergistically as co-factors for thousands of enzymatic reactions in the body. Best known for their crucial role in energy production and reactions of the Krebs cycle, B vitamins are also vital for the breakdown and metabolism of fats, blood sugar control, and fluid balance. They are especially effective at boosting energy during times of physical and/or emotional stressful experiences,

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