High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and either remains there, or is released into the bloodstream. cholesterol cannot dissolve in the blood on its own, so it becomes attached to special particles called lipoproteins. The two main types of lipoprotein are low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which carries cholesterol from the liver to the other cells in the body, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which returns excess cholesterol from the cells to the liver.

LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol because it tends to be deposited in the lining of the arteries. This in turn causes atherosclerosis, in which the arteries to become narrowed, restricting the bloodflow and hence the supply of oxygen and other vital nutrients. The consequences of atherosclerosis depend on its location. Atherosclerosis in an artery supplying the heart can lead to chest pain (angina) and ultimately, to a heart attack. Atherosclerosis in the arteries leading to the brain can cause a stroke or mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack) while in the leg arteries, the condition can cause pain when walking (claudication) and even gangrene.

It may be possible to lower levels through simple lifestyle changes, such as losing excess weight, taking more exercise, and following a low-fat diet. Not all dietary fats are bad for you, and the amount of cholesterol you eat is not strongly related to cholesterol levels in the blood. Instead, a tendency to having high cholesterol is largely an inherited characteristic that is aggravated by eating too much saturated fat. High cholesterol can also be a consequence of other medical conditions such as diabetes, liver or kidney disease, or an underactive thyroid.

There follows a list of products that clients have enjoyed success with. For personalised advice, please email or call 01730 233 414.

NutriVital Yucca

NutriVital Yucca

Package contents: 30 ml

  • Supports natural elimination and intestinal cleansing
  • Promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria
  • Shown to reduce painful swelling, and the stiffness in worn out tired joints
  • Supports healthy fats balance in the blood
  • Soothing for the digestive tract

Yucca is rich in steroid saponins. It is traditionally used for cleaning the colon and regulating colonic bacteria as it is believed to have powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. Yucca has a cleansing action in the bowel, and by enhancing proper elimination, yucca supports overall detoxification in the body.

NutriVital Yucca may support healthy fats balance in the blood

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